Within 24 hours! Four times a ship!
Aug 13,2024
Britain's maritime trade operator said on Friday that a crude oil tanker, Delta Blue, had reported four attacks in the past 24 hours off the Yemeni port of Moka. The vessel attacked was the Suez tanker Delta Blue. The ship's captain reported that on Thursday, the ship was approached by two small boats, which fired a rocket that exploded near the tanker (about 45 nautical miles south of the port of Moka). The British Maritime Trade Action Service said there were four militants on each of the two small boats. A few hours later, in the early hours of Friday, a second attack occurred, with a missile "exploding close to the ship". In the third attack, a small vessel and an unmanned surface craft approached and attacked the vessel.
On Friday, maritime security firm Ambrey reported that the Delta Blue was hit by an unmanned surface vessel and a missile that landed near the vessel. Ambrey said armed guards aboard the ship "Delta Blue" opened fire as the unmanned surface vessel quickly approached the vessel and succeeded in destroying it. Asked about the incidents, Athens-based Delta Tankers told Reuters the crew and vessel were safe. Delta Blue's manager added: "The boats are moving on." "Delta Blue" departed from Arbak, Iraq on 28 July, closing the ship's AIS after passing Oman on 5 August. At 4 o'clock on 10 August, the ship's AIS was reopened and currently shows armed guards on board. The Equasis of the shipping public database shows that the registered owner of the "Delta Blue" ship is Nerida Maritime, and ISM/ship/commercial management company is Delta Tankers. Although militants have attacked individual ships on several occasions in the past, the incident has left security analysts speculating about the situation, and the Houthis have not yet officially claimed responsibility for the attacks. Previously, the Houthis had confirmed attacks on specific ships, but have now been suspended.
However, earlier this week, the Houthi armed forces claimed to have attacked the US destroyer "Cole" with multiple drones in the Gulf of Aden and "succeeded", and also attacked the US destroyer "Labun" with ballistic missiles. and useMultiple ballistic missiles and dronesAttacked a merchant ship in the Red Sea and "accurately hit the target". But the attack was not confirmed by U.S. officials. Maritime security consultancy Vanguard reported that Delta Blue did not appear to have any links to the United States, Britain or Israel, the main targets of the Houthis. The company clashed with the Iranians and one of its ships was seized in 2022. The Delta Poseidon was one of two ships seized in May 2022 and held in Iran for six months. Maritime security group Neptune P2P speculated: "The intensity of this prolonged attack suggests that the ship is likely to have links to Israel, both in terms of ownership and recent trade activity." Yemeni Houthi militants have been carrying out attacks on international shipping in the Red Sea area since November last year in solidarity with the Palestinians in Israel's war with Hamas. The attacks were met with retaliatory strikes by the United States and Britain and disrupted global trade as shipping companies rerouted ships from the Red Sea and the Suez Canal for longer routes around the southern tip of Africa.
This attack, while ultimately without serious consequences, is a reminder of the importance of maritime security. With the continuous development of global trade, the safety of maritime transport has been paid more and more attention.

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